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Premium Quality

Online Store

Customers Say

<p>The convenience of ordering online is what brought me to the Beef Brothers website, and the family is all very happy with the standard of products we receive.</p>

The convenience of ordering online is what brought me to the Beef Brothers website, and the family is all very happy with the standard of products we receive.

Web Customer
<p>I’ve been waiting years for this!</p><p>Great service and amazing meats.</p>

I’ve been waiting years for this!

Great service and amazing meats.

Web Customer
<p>My BBQ skills have just gone into hyperdrive!</p>

My BBQ skills have just gone into hyperdrive!

Web Customer
<p>I got a few of our family friends together for our first order and held a packing party when it arrived.</p>

I got a few of our family friends together for our first order and held a packing party when it arrived.

Web Customer

Our meats are prepacked for wholesale and each box varies slightly in weight (est. ± 10%). Initially you will be charged the maximum box weight and refunded the difference once your order is fulfilled.